Sunday, April 21, 2013

St. George, Utah

A short post today. I know. . . I know. . . some of you are laughing. Me? Keep it short? Well I can, when there is not much to report.

Driving from Las Vegas to St. George, Utah on Friday took us through 3 states: Nevada, back into Arizona and then Utah. The Arizona stretch was the best as we traveled through the Virgin River Gorge. It was a hairy-scary downhill twisting road with sheer rock on both sides. I love roller coasters, and this drive ranks right up there. I was so glad Mike was driving so I could gawk and take pictures. I had to drive this today on my return to St. George after dropping Mike off at the Las Vegas airport this morning and I can’t imagine doing it driving a 40 ft. motorhome, towing a vehicle. Speed is never an issue for me and I wanted to just creep along! While we were discussing the beauty of the Gorge at dinner, Mike confessed to a white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel!

I do have a cute story for you. We stopped for gas the exit before St. George. (I guess its called “fuel” as we use diesel and only stop where truckers fill up) A young couple was looking at our motorhome and even started to take pictures of it. We asked if they would like to see the inside (not all that impressive with the slides in). They were French and didn’t speak any English! They were so excited. He got in the driver’s seat and she took a picture of him! They were asking questions, but getting frustrated because they couldn’t think of the English word and I took Spanish in high school so I was no help. She pointed to our kitchen sink water faucet and I’m sure she was wondering where we get water from. But how do you play charades to say “storage tanks and then we hook up with a hose”? One word I did understand was she said “petite”. I think she was saying their RV’s are much smaller in France. They were with a tour group and we should have taken the time to find their tour guide to translate.

We are at the Temple View RV Park. Perfect for Mike – they allowed us to wash the RV. Perfect for me – an hour to Zion National Park and 2 hours to Bryce Canyon. Perfect for Mike – he feels safe leaving me here for 4 days. He couldn’t say that at a couple of places we stayed. Perfect for me – it is a large park and I can walk and ride my bike for exercise. (sorely needed after long hours on the road). Perfect for me – I can ride my bike to a Dairy Queen!

St George is much larger than we had anticipated. I thought someone back in Michigan had told us it is a “quaint little town”. Perhaps the actual downtown will be – Mike and I are going to explore it on Thursday when he gets back.

I am going to Zion National Park on Sunday and Bryce Canyon on Monday. Mike is OK with not going –the, if you’ve seen one canyon you’ve seen them all, mentality. He may be wrong.

But when I got back from the 2-hour drive to the airport, I hit the swimming pool. It was 80 degrees here today. So for those of you back home, take heart – spring is coming. Several of you have commented that we are doing an awful lot of driving and one night stays. As I mentioned before, we were on a little bit of a time schedule, especially after Mike made his plane reservation home, to be here in Utah by yesterday. But we are here for a week, and I took full advantage and spent 2 hours at the pool with a book. Then I hauled our comforter, blanket and quilt to a Laundromat. (we have a stackable washer and dryer in the RV for smaller loads) You remember all the wind and dust we went through? The inside needs cleaning as bad as the outside (my Tuesday job).

My sister sent me season 3 of “Downton Abbey” - it was here at the campground when we arrived. So as soon as I post today’s ramblings (ok – I see I didn’t keep it short) I’ll be in front of the TV for a while.

Only two pictures today: The descent into the Virgin River Gorge and the Welcome to Utah sign. I like their saying - “Life Elevated”.

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