Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Real Hero

Yee-haw! When we entered Texas on Sunday, the speed limit went up to 75 mph! Too bad we are in an RV and that Mike is driving. For those of you that know me (and I guess you all should know me if you are reading this blog!) and my lead foot, this state is right up my alley. If I were driving, Mike would be saying, "Whoa Nellie!"

We drove to San Antonio on Monday morning to visit Eric Lund, Mike's second cousin who is at Fort Sam Houston. Specifically, he is undergoing rehabilitation at the Center For the Intrepid on base as he lost both of his arms while serving our country in Afghanistan. (again, most of you know this). Eric's strength, courage and determination has been an inspiration to the whole Magee family. We were happy to make the trip. We drove around the large base (Eric showed us the soccer field where he plays every Wednesday night) and ended at the CFI for his afternoon therapy appointment. Eric asked if there was a tour we could take. There was nothing official, but his case manager showed us around the Center. There really are no words to describe the work done here by the doctors, researchers and therapists. Maybe there is . . . miraculous. Every soldier at the CFI has paid a huge price to defend our freedom. The progress being made by the amputees and burn victims is amazing.

In driving around Texas, I expected to see large cattle ranches (like Southfork, for those of you who remember the TV show "Dallas") and oil wells. Have not seen an oil well -just the refineries around Houston - and a few ranches. We are seeing lots of pretty wildflowers along the roadside. They are the result of efforts by Lady Bird Johnson to beautify the landscape. And they do just that. A bit of trivia - the state flower of Texas is not the yellow rose (contrary to the popular song). It is the Bluebonnet. And, no, I am not smarter than a Texas second-grader. Niece Kelly, who is a second grade teacher in Houston told me that. Another one of Lady Bird's causes is apparent on our drive today north on I-45 to Dallas: the lack of billboards. At least on this stretch of highway.

As I mentioned, we were on the road this morning at 6:45 (had to hook up the Jeep in the dark with a flashlight) to head to Dallas. Our plan is to visit the Sixth Floor Museum at the Texas Book Depository. And, I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I'm guessing we will spend hours at the grassy knoll so Mike can view it from every angle to satisfy his JFK conspiracy theories!

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