Friday, June 8, 2018

Statue of Liberty

Friday, June 8, 2016
Day 432

Only two pictures because this moment was special enough without explaining the whole day.  That will come in my next post.

The Loop has several milestones - The inland rivers, getting to and crossing the Gulf of Mexico, the Bahamas (for some), the east coast, the Chesapeake Bay, the Hudson River, the Erie Canal, the Trent-Severn Canal (for some), Canada (North Channel) and Lake Michigan.

Today was one of those benchmarks for us - passing the Statue of Liberty on our own boat!  The only way it could have been better is if we were traveling with another boat that could have take a picture of True North in front of Lady Liberty.

I'm on the bow as True North approaches

We are grateful that Jim Dawson (Lucky Ducks) was onboard to take this picture so we didn't have to try to do a selfie!

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