Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A New Adventure

Day 1
138 nautical miles

Yes, we are "meandering" again!  But this time, we are doing our traveling on a boat, like the koozie says.  Maybe I should start from the beginning:
After several months of serious discussion with Mike's brother Greg and wife Karen, we decided to do what is called "The Great Loop" together, which means taking a boat on a 6,000 mile trip from Lake Michigan down inland rivers (including the Mississippi) to the Gulf of Mexico, around the tip of Florida, up the eastern seaboard, into New York and the Hudson river, then taking one of several routes to Lake Huron (either through Lake Erie, to Detroit to Lake St. Claire or through the Georgian Bay) and back to Lake Michigan.
(Please Google the Loop for a much better, more detailed description. I'll also explain more as I post about each leg of the trip).

The first thing to do was find and buy a boat capable of making the trip and accommodating the 4 of us (plus anticipated guests!).  The beginning of 2016 was spent on internet searches, talks with brokers, and attending boat shows.  In May, we found what we were looking for in Penetanguishene, Ontario- a used 53 ft. Egg Harbor boat.  Mike and Greg drove it back to Ludington, having calm, smooth water for the two day trip on Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.  Since then, there has been almost daily work, getting it ready for the journey.  Both physical work on the boat and spending hours studying charts and reading books and blogs on the Loop to be prepared as possible.  I'll admit to a little nervousness about the process of going through locks (we will navigate through over 40 of them) and will be glad to get the first one under our belt.

You may remember me complaining a little in my past posts about how often, and how thoroughly Mike washed the motorhome.  The boat takes washing to a whole different level.    I will say we have more help washing the boat as the "admission" to come aboard usually involves being handed a scrub brush!

In July, Mike and I sold our motorhome and moved onto the boat full-time. Another exercise in downsizing!  We will spend the fall getting it down to Florida and then live on it in the Florida Keys during the winter, with Greg and Karen dividing their time between Ludington and being on the boat.
So many great memories over the last 6 years in the motorhome, with the last two having it truly be our home.  Any sadness at seeing it leave was eased by the excitement of this new 2 year adventure.
Our niece Meghan put it best when,  after spending a week on the boat with us traveling around northern Michigan, she said, " Life is simply different on a boat."  We agree.

So this brings me to today - Wednesday, September 7.  The Great Loop Adventure began as we left the Ludington Harbor at 10:30 am under very cloudy skies, but little wind (a good thing), heading for Michigan City, Indiana.  It was Mike and Greg and I, with one meanderer missing.  Karen is going to join us in a few days.  We had lots of rain, and at one point ducked into the South Haven channel to  wait out an approaching storm.  We didn't tie up, just idled in the water and while I made lunch, the storm dissipated so we continued on and arrived in Michigan City at 6:00.  You can probably guess the first thing we did after docking:  washed the boat.  Michael was working in the area so came down to the marina to see us and was handed a brush as he walked on.

We named the boat "True North", which has multiple meanings for us.  Although we will be spending much of our time on it in the south, we know that north (Ludington) will always be home.  We also hope our moral compass always points true north.  But most importantly, we know who our true north is, our hope and our unquenchable light - Jesus.

I have to welcome some new people to the blog - our wonderful neighbors on the A dock and great staff at Harbor View Marina.   All have been excited for us and when I told them I was going to write a blog about our Loop travels, asked to be included.  Nice people - always willing to catch a line!

The official flag of the Loopers Association.
It gives a visual look at the Great Loop route

Getting ready to put the flag on the bow,
identifying us as "Loopers"

Leaving the marina.  Becky on bow, Mike in back
and Greg driving up top

The two captains

True North will not see the Ludington Lighthouse
until she "crosses her wake" and finishes the Loop
in two years! (it's only the boat that will be gone
for 2 years.  The crew will be back next spring)

Resting in Michigan City after washing the boat

1 comment:

  1. Captains Mike and Greg, along with your meandering spouses Becky, and Karen...may the Good Lord be with you as you travel your course. Can't wait to see you along the Gulf coast in November. Julie & Jeff
