Thursday, October 17, 2013

Myrtle Beach, SC

Watching the Tigers again gives me time to post, although as Mike will point out, "We didn't do anything today except drive 4 1/2 hours south.  (and he is correct)
In fact, when he read the Richmond post, he said I was getting long winded.  Gosh, he didn't say that on our western trip until near the end of the three months.  If I am starting out that way, it is a good thing this journey is only for one month or you could be reading my version of "War and Peace"!

Mike wanted to leave by 9 this morning (Thursday) and we were pulling out at 8:45.  Let me tell you, that goes a long toward marital harmony.  I can't tell you how important that is when traveling together 24/7.

When we turned out of the campground in Wilson, NC we were on US 301.  That rang a bell.  That is the main highway that runs through Zephyrhills, Florida, our ultimate destination.  I told Mike we could just stay right on 301 for the rest of the trip.  (That would never happen.  Too many stoplights!)
But before we got back on the freeway, we did drive through Mount Olive, the pickle capital of the United States.

The most interesting thing to happen today:  We were on a two lane divided highway about 30 miles from Myrtle Beach.  Mike said to be watching for two things: a place to get fuel (that we can easily get in and out of) and if we can't, a stretch with a wide shoulder so he could pull over, put the RV in park and go back to use our bathroom.  We never found a gas station big enough for us, and he couldn't wait any longer.  With the cruise control set at 60 mph, I grabbed the steering wheel, Mike slid out of the drivers seat and I slid in while he hustled back to the bathroom.  First time I have driven the motorhome in two years.  I usually drive it once a year, home from East Lansing after we tailgate at a Michigan State football game.  A few minutes later, after rounding a bend, we made the exchange back.

I called each of our boys today.  I scolded each of them as we hadn't talked to any of them since we left Michigan.   You would think they had conferred on an response, because I got the same one from all three:  We are keeping up with you on your blog.  I said that was all well and good, but since they don't write a blog, I had no idea how they were doing and they need to call their mother!
As we were nearing Myrtle Beach, I was talking with Matt.  I said, "We are in Myrtle Beach and driving past golf course after golf course.  It is sunny and the temperature is 81."  There was a long silence and then Matt said, "You are not complaining, are you Mom?"
Absolutely not!  I guess I needed to have a little more enthusiasm in my voice.

We are at a campground right on the beach.  We will be here for a week, as Mike is flying back to Michigan for a board meeting.  So like last April in Utah, I will be here by myself for a few days.  We chose Myrtle Beach and the campground for that reason.  The park is very big with lots of space to bike  ride. so between that and miles of beachfront, I'll keep busy.  Not to mention the RV needs a good cleaning inside.

There really won't be anything to write home about in the next few days, so I won't be posting.  Unless of course one of us hits a hole in one.  We already have a tee time for Friday.  First on the agenda in the morning is a walk on the beach.  Mike said when he was in Myrtle Beach (over 13 years ago) he saw dolphins every morning from his hotel window.  I'm hoping they are still there .  .  .

With our windows open or sitting outside, we can hear the waves crashing on shore.  And our claim to fame?  Within the last 5 months, we have put our feet in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans!

                                  Welcome to South Carolina - Smiling Faces Beautiful Places

                              The view out our front windshield.  We are this close to the beach


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